Welcome to Our Institution

History of Our University:

The University was established under the State Law No. 3 promulgated on 21st May, 2004. The promulgation was a consequence of the obvious and felt need to boost higher education in the State and the country in general. The underlying factor is the fact that the demand for University education in Nigeria has, since the past few years, risen astronomically. This has been the basis of reform regarding the establishment and ownership of Universities by both the public and the private sector. Since the reforms, many State and Private universities have been established.


Vision, Mission & Objectives


The vision of University is to become a University of world class standard with Excellence in Applied Sciences ans Sustainability studies.


The mission of of University is to provide an all-round university education of the highest standard for the development of the individual and the state, while inculcating the spirit of love, tolerance, understanding and unity in the state in particular and the country in general.



The broad objective of  the University is to produce competent and qualified graduates with strong moral and academic standing. The specific objectives are:

  • To encourage the advancement of learning and to hold out to all persons without distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction the opportunity of acquiring a higher and liberal education.
  • To provide courses of instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning in all its branches, and to make those facilities available on proper terms to such persons as are equipped to benefit from them.
  • To encourage and promote scholarship and conduct research in all fields of learning and human endeavour.
  • To relate its activities to the social and economic needs of the people of the State and the Nation at large.
  • To undertake any other activities appropriate for a university of the highest standard.